There are no hidden charges while making appointment with online payment. Though the integrated payment gateway charges the processing fee but best part is it charge from the amount you paid for your appointment and not added up as a separate amount. If you are making appointment for location option: Service at Home then you have to pay the Service Fee which is defined by service provider.
a. The details of Online Payment for Appointment at Salon are in below image, please note tips amount is calculated as per percentage defined by customer in profile and Service Tax is what service provider has defined.
b. The details of Online Payment for Service at home are in below image, please note tips amount is calculated as per percentage defined by customer in profile, Service Tax is what service provider has defined and Service fee is combination of Fixed Delivery Charges up to 5 miles as defined by service provider and Delivery Cost Variation which also defined by service provider i.e. after 5 mile every mile will added with this amount.
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